Monday, February 2, 2009

New Apartment

It's been a busy couple of days. We got our first choice on apartments (woo hoo!) and were handed the keys on Sunday. It's been shopping and slowly moving things from our temporary apartment since then. You don't realize all the basics that are required for living until you start from scratch. I've been having fun popping around to all the shops and trying to find the best bargains. We're having some furniture delivered tomorrow afternoon, so we'll be ready with a sofa bed should any visitors appear. =)

Our new apartment is at a wonderful location, right across from the Istana, basically Singapore's White House, so I don't think we could have found a safer area - not that I don't feel safe practically everywhere I go here. On the other side of our apartment is the home of Minister Mentor Lee Kuan Yew which is guarded by patrols 24-7.

Pictures and a video tour to come...


  1. So happy for you two! I love the links telling us the history of places and people. Happy settling in.......

  2. Woohoo for you guys! Glad you're doing well. Can't wait to see the new place.

  3. Sweet! Be careful kate loves her bargains. Once she bought two whole outfits at old navy for 5 dollars. She is a professional. haha Glad to hear things are going well!
