Saturday, February 21, 2009

Heath Care/ New Job

This week wasn't too eventful. Adam was really busy with work,planning for a few trips, and I got sick and couldn't do much. But I got some antibiotics and my sinus infection is getting better by the day. The visit to the doctor was great. I waited for all of two minutes, went right to the doctor, and was out of there with prescription in hand in 10-15 minutes total. And I don't mean a written prescription, they have the medicine at the doctors office. I love the efficiency here.

Adam is off to India for two weeks, back for a day and then off to Australia for another week =(

I have managed to find a way to keep myself busy while he is gone. I start my new job on Monday as the Admissions Assistant for a new school that is opening in the fall. I'm excited to be part of opening a new school and will be working with the Director of Admissions helping with a lot of different aspects including marketing and sponsorship. The school will be for ages 2-11 for the first two years with a high school opening in the third year.

The last of our things arrived from the states too! Our little apartment is certainly full now.

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad to hear you are feeling better. Interesting to hear how easy the health care seems to be... can you tell me the basis for the system?.....Private/Independent or Socialized? Just curious... Thrilled you are not in a third world country where you might not be as satisfied with the options (nor would I)..

    Love AB
