Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Home Sweet Home!

We had a whirlwind trip home last week! We were so busy and it went by so quickly that it seems like a dream.

The weekend started with one of my best friends weddings. Cristina and Mike were married at The Conservatory in St. Charles, MO. It was a gorgeous ceremony and Cristina looked fabulous. The reception was a blast and I wish we could do it all over again. Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Brown!

Adam's Mom, Evie, retired after over 30 years of teaching and celebrated with a great party. There was even karaoke.

Congrats Evie! - I know you've made a huge impact on countless student's lives.

We managed to make it to Peoria so Adam could visit some of his family and I could see some of my girls =). We stopped by the Bradley campus and boy are there some changes being made. The new gym is amazing and I wish it would have been there when I was going to school!

I wrapped up the week shopping with the women of my family and buying clothes that actually fit. They have tons of shopping in Singapore but it's hard to find clothes that fit the way I'd like. We then had a relaxing afternoon at Mt. Pleasant Winery in MO on Friday before taking off again on Saturday.

We really like Singapore but miss all of you so much. It was wonderful getting to see all the people we love and we can't wait to see you again soon!


  1. Yes, the visit was too short! We loved seeing you and Adam and miss you already. However we did squeeze in some new memories.

    Love you,

  2. It was so much fun seeing and talking to the two of you! We are also so excited about the anouncement of your engagemen, and we love both of you!

    I just figured out how to I think email
    back to you on this??

    Cannot wait to talk to the two of you again. Keep your website updated.


    Aunt Jane, Katie and the puppies
