Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day!!

Valentine's Day just snuck up on me and I didn't have time to send any cards. My Grandma Gen and I always used to make the best cards- red feathers, glitter and heart dolies, fabulous. Oh and there was always a rhyming poem to go along.

Roses are Red
Violets are Blue
I'm so ridulclously busy
But I made this video to say I love you.

Happy Valentines Day Everyone!! (Especially Grandma Gen)
(A Valentinesish song for you. Guitar: Adam; Vocals: Kate)
Kiss Me by Sixpence None the Richer
Kate & Adam

The video was too big so we had to put it on Picasa. I'll have to put up a video of Adam singing next. =)

Bella says Happy Valentine's Day too.

Here's some pictures of the fun we had at the Singapore Science Center.

Friday, February 5, 2010

We're still here

By the lack of blogging you can probably tell it's been a very busy
couple of weeks. Adam is busy working, going to lots of meetings and just finished the Singapore Air Show this week. I'm super busy at work and have started rehearsing for a play, Daisy Pulls It Off, so my days and nights are packed but I'm having a lot of fun playing the antagonist aka bitch in the show.

We had a great trip home over the holidays. It was wonderful to get to see everyone, two weeks have never gone by so fast between holiday celebrations, catching up with family and friends and wedding planning. My family threw a beautiful bridal shower, THANK YOU! Although with the pace of our lives now, I don't think thank you notes will go out until March.

Bella also had a not so great adventure getting spayed last week but she bounced back quickly. She even went to the park the next day since we didn't want to stay in but also didn't want to leave her.

We did get a chance to check out the Singapore Science Center for Adam's birthday. They have a great set up and we had fun being kids for a few hours and enjoyed an Omnimax movie on sea life.